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Review : Twisted Sisters by John Bannon

Alexis De La Fuente

Product description: John Bannon is well known for his packet tricks and I think Twisted Sisters is one of the most famous one around the world. It’s so simple yet so powerful, I really like how it has been built, the routine behind it and the thinking. The idea is pretty simple, you show two packets of 4 cards each, one is blue and the other is red. You ask someone to name any red queen (for example queen of diamonds) and you ask someone else to name any black queen (for example queen of clubs). When you spread both packets, the queen of diamonds is face up in the blue pack and the queen of clubs is face up in the red pack. But that’s not all, you turn over the queens and they have a back of a different color from the pack ! And the 6 other cards are shown, they’re all jokers ! Simple, powerful and brilliant, you’ll love this.

Price and where to buy it: This is sold at $15 and you can find it in nearly every Murphy's magic partner !

What you get: You get a cardboard sleeve, with inside a DVD so you can learn the routine from John himself. The DVD is nicely made, simple and to the point. The routine is quite easy to learn since the gaffs are doing most of the job for you. The gaffs are well printed and allow you to fully concentrate on your presentation. They are Bicycle quality and you get everything in a nice little packet holder. For the price, I think this is a steal considering it’s one of the best packet tricks you’ll ever do.

The pros and the cons: Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


  • The cards are not examinable, but people won’t ever ask you to see the cards, the reveal is so strong, they’ll forget about the cards.

  • You need a table to put the cards on.


  • It’s very easy to do, if you can spread a pack of cards, you can do this trick ! There is one thing to remember, which allows you to concentrate on how you will perform the trick.

  • It’s amazingly cheap, I understand it’s a packet trick but still, this is so affordable !

  • The effect is really powerful on people, they will wonder if they had any choice when they named a queen. You can do an influence type routine or simply show them that you predicted their choice, there is a lot of room for your presentation.

  • It takes up no pocket space, this is only 8 cards, stored in a small plastic wallet, you can easily put it in your front jacket pocket and be ready to amaze people.

  • The reset is pretty quick, just place back the queens in the packets and you’re ready to go again.

Overall rating: I love this one, it’s easy to do, cheap, powerful, reset quickly, takes up no pocket space, it’s a real dream, 3/4 hearts.

As for the difficulty level, if you can spread a pack of cards, you can do this, 1/5 stars.

Similar products: Nervous Breakdown by Dominique Duvivier is also very cool, you should check it out.

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