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Review : LightPaint by Mathieu Bich

Alexis De La Fuente

Product description : This is the latest trick from Mathieu Bich, produced by the new company “Gentlemen’s Magic” which is a French production company, which is by Bigmagie Production. They aim to produce very good quality magic, doable in the real world, with high quality content. Anyway, LightPaint is a way to reveal a chosen card with the spectator’s own phone ! It consists of a small plastic card which, when taken in photo or video with a flash, reveal what’s written on it. It’s a really cool object to have in your wallet at all time. But is it worth your money ? Let’s find out !

Price and where to buy it : This is sold at 29.90€ ($35) and you can find it in on Bigmagie website :

What you get : You get a really nice packaging, inside a plastic sleeve. The little “booklet” have been specially printed and feels so soft, it’s really an intriguing sensation. So inside you get the link in order to watch the explanations online, they’re very very well shot, the video is simple but effective ! Mathieu is teaching you how to use the cards as well as some ideas and subtleties. Of course, you also get the cards, 3 to be precise : you get 2 gimmicked ones (Ace of Clubs and Seven of Hearts) as well as a non-gimmicked one if you want to switch it at the end to give it for examination. The quality of the cards is very good, I can see them lasting a long time ! Overall, I’m happy with the cards, with the packaging and the video, and for the price, I’m not disappointed.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]You need to force a card, which not what bother me but you only have 2 outs here so this is not the kind of trick you will be doing at each table.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]The card may look a little bit weird to people but your presentation will erase this con.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]This is a rather unique product, what I mean by that is that your spectators know nothing about those cards so you can give the presentation you want !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]The trick happens on your spectator’s phone which means there is no need of apps, internet connexion or anything like this. The picture is then on their smartphone so they can share it on their favourite social networks.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]You are supplied with 2 cards which means you have 2 reveals so that you can do this at a few table without having to reveal the same card each time.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]It’s a very cool utility device, perfect for those who are doing a 2.0 magic, with Ipads and so on, this has completely its place.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]It takes up no pocket space, you can have it in your wallet at all time borrow a deck and a phone and you’re ready to go.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]There is no reset or things like this, you just put the card back in your wallet and you can do it again !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]You don’t need to talk at all, it’s perfect for loud venue which is more and more common.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]You don’t have to take a photo, you could shot a video with the flash on to reveal what’s written on the card so you have the choice of way you want to reveal !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]It’s rather cheap considering the stuff you get and how strong the routine is.

Overall rating : It costs nothing to have this in your wallet, it’s perfect magic to be done while strolling or as an impromptu thing, I really like this ! It hasn’t left my wallet since I purchased it, I’m really happy with it, 4/4 hearts.

As for the difficulty level, you only have to know how to force a card, I would say 2/5 stars.

Similar products : Tenyo has a similar product which is with a handkerchief but works on the same principle. I find LightPaint to be more portable and easier to do.

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