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Review : The Green Neck System by Gabriel Werlen


Product description : This is a new book, based on a quite old principle which is mainly used in the mentalism field. The idea is pretty simple, and can be used in a lot of ways, it will allow you to know which object among 3 the spectator has chosen, without him even saying it. But this is much more than that and Gabriel teaches a lot of routines and variation based on the Mathematical Three Card Montee by Bob Hummer.

Price and where to buy it : This is sold at around $60 (55€) and you can find it in the “Marchand de truc” shop in France. Maybe this will be sold through Murphy's later (if it’s translated from French into English).

What you get : You get a very nice printed book, I love the cover, it is all green and very appealing. The book quality is outstanding, as usual with Marchand de Trucs release. Inside, you will find a few things, the first being the basic principle applied with common object. Then Gabriel explains a little bit more about what can be done with it, especially on stage or with more than 3 objects. Each routine is greatly detailed and nicely edited, with some pictures in order for us to understand the system and how things work. Overall, for the price, you can’t be disappointed, the book is great and the content is amazing, you can’t ask for more !

Teaser : Since it’s a book, there is no real teaser or trailer for it.

The pros and the cons : Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]All the routines are based on the same principle so I don’t recommend you to do more than one of them to the same audience, they will see that the procedure is the same.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]For me, this is a new application of an old principle, Gabriel didn’t just reused the Mathematical three card monte but he brought a whole new content.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]There are close up and stage routines, so this is a very versatile tool.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]You don’t need anything to carry, you can just walk to a table and do this with a fork, a knife and a spoon ! So I think this is worth “learning”.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]There isn’t really something to learn, you just have to remember the procedure which is fairly simple.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]Gabriel added subtleties to the procedure so that people don’t feel like it’s a trick where the magician is giving all the information : “put the item A here” etc.. I really feel people think they have the choice of doing all the work.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]The book is really well written, there are even parts which are for you to rehearse so you feel confident enough when you will be doing this in front of people.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]Since it’s very easy to do, you can completely focus on your presentation and because this is mind reading, presentation is everything.

Overall rating : I think this is worth learning for every magician, you may not use it daily, you’ll still find a use for it, on stage or for an impromptu mind reading routine, 4/4 hearts.

As for the difficulty level, it’s very easy to remember and very easy to do (but you need a good presentation), 2/5 stars.

Similar products : Mathematical three card monte by Bob Hummer is where all this come from, there is also a booklet called “Inv3rsion” by Pierre Boc which is on the same topic and worth reading in my opinion.

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