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Alexis De La Fuente

Review : Engraved by Metal Writing

Product description : You do close up magic but you’re bored of it because you find that you always do the same thing ? Cards, coins, chop cup, you want something different and memorable ? Engraved is perfect for you, imagine handing out a little pouch with something inside, you have a small pad, and you ask an information to somebody. When you remove the thing from the pouch, it appears to be a key ring, with a design on one side and something engraved in metal on the other ! And it is the information the spectator gave ! People can really feel that it is engraved deeply in the medallion. Of course, this is just a basic presentation of what you can achieve with it, you get loads of things with it ! Let’s go right into the review !

Price and where to buy it : The basic set is sold around $155 shipped worldwide and the complete set is around $240 again, shipped worldwide. You can find it on their website :

What you get : You get load of things with it, not really a box which contains everything but rather several ziplock bags, each with a sticker on it so you know what is inside ! I got the complete set so I will explain what I received, I got the black velvet pouch which amazingly well made and ingeniously gaffed. I got an engraving gimmick made for a whiteboard marker which is also provided, in the same kind of gimmick, I got a gaffed pencil and a small plastic pad if I want to use it for engraving. I got 5 extra discs so I don’t have to reset the two main ones I have with the set. I also got 2 chain, a silver one and a gold one if you want to put the medallion on it, around the neck of your spectator. Of course, you get the main gimmick which is the medallion itself, it’s really well made and could easily be one of my everyday key ring ! Finally, for the props part, you get the resetting kit which amazing, you get so many things, you can easily reset every disc you have in a few seconds. And of course, a DVD which is really well made, straight to the point as well as some written instructions and new design for your keyring (they’re already printed so you can change them very easily). Overall, it’s one of the best offer in magic for your money, you get so many props, things, utility device so you can perform this trick right out of the box ! You won’t be disappointed, everything is amazing, the quality is there, I can’t say anything bad about it !

The pros and the cons : Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]Every time you do the trick, your disc must be reset in order to do it again. The reset is fairly simple but can’t be done at a gig so I recommend you having a few of these prepared so you can do it over and over again.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]It’s a little bit expensive for some people but this is unique and you do get a lot for your money.


[if !supportLists]– [endif]I repeat but it’s very important that you understand that you spend quite an amount on this but that you get a lot ! The reset kit alone is worth a lot, you do get plenty of material.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]You’ll need something special to reset, a little bit each time. With the complete set, I got enough for 300 performances which basically is enough for all my life !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]It’s something different, people have never seen such prediction, it’s impossible for them.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]Not only this is a prediction trick but you have them feel an impossible object which is a engraved metal medallion so there is no way you could have done this on the fly !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]If you buy The Seer’s Gift, you will be able to hand the metal part as a souvenir for people to remember which one of the most, if not the most, memorable souvenir they will have from you.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]The reset is quick and easy, I usually do my 7 discs at once so I’m good. The reset process is amazing, even if it’s not a trick, it feels like real magic !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]This is good for close up because the reveal is done on a key ring which is something everybody has seen at once in their life !

[if !supportLists]– [endif]There is a full routine you can do with this, which is with their Travel Agency Deck, I highly recommend it.

[if !supportLists]– [endif]The instructions are really well made, they put a lot of time and effort into this trick which can be felt when you open all the bags and when you perform the trick !

Overall rating : This is so cool, you can really feel the engraving on the key ring, this is unique, visual and fun to do, reset is easy too, what do you want ? 4/4 hearts.

As for the difficulty level, there is 0 difficulty, you just have to make sure your routine is well structured so there is no problem about spectator thinking you’re double writing or something like that, I would say 2/5 stars.

Similar products : I recommend you to check Metal Engraving products because you will find something you’ll use, whether it’s close up or stage, there is something for everyone !

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