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Review : Ring & Chain by Astor

Alexis De La Fuente

Product description : I think most of the professionals magicians out there are performing something with a ring, whether it's a ring flight (revolution is the best for me) or a Nest of Wallets, they're using a ring at some point in their routine. With Ring & Chain, you can use a borrowed ring and a borrowed chain in order to link both of them inside a little pouch, in a very magical way. Is it worth getting ? Does it work ? Let's find out.

Price and where to buy it : This is sold at $48.99 and you can find it in nearly every Murphy's magic « partner » shop !

What you get : You get a little cardboard box, nicely printed and folded, I quite like the way it's packed. Inside, you will find a link for the explanations video, it's not the best out there, Astor's English isn't very good but you understand everything you need to know. You're also getting a cheap ring and a cheap chain so you can start using this right out of the box ! But the main things you receive are 2 purses, one gimmicked, one not. They both look the same so you can switch one for another if you want people to look at it. The gimmick is clever and should last a long time if you take care of it ! While I do find the price to be quite expensive, it's a good item, well made and it works so you shouldn't be disappointed with it.

The pros and the cons : Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


  • Gosh the video demo and the explanations are really not good at all. For this price, I would have liked a better made video, at least a good trailer..

  • The purses are not made out of leather, there not the best I've seen.

  • It feels expensive for what it is.

  • There are some angle issues, people can't be around you or look at the back of the purse.


  • I do think this would be very good in a ring routine, maybe as a closer, to show that you always have control on the ring and you can catch it whenever you want.

  • The effect looks very magical, it will fool layments AND magicians, I know it's not the point of this kind of routine but still, it's very cool to have an effect which will fool everyone.

  • You can use the non gimmicked purse to carry the chain and the ring if you want to ! Or coins or whatever you want. It's nice to introduce such an object in a non magical way.

  • The ring and the chain can both be borrowed since none of them are gimmicked. I find it very cool that they included cheap ones so you can start the trick right away.

  • The reset is instant, you don't have to do anything.

Overall rating : It's a good product, the effect is amazing, I just wish it is a little bit cheaper, 3/4 hearts.

As for the difficulty level, no difficulty whatsoever, just make sure nobody is watching at the back of the purse, 1/5 stars.

Similar products : For this kind of routine, I struggle finding another trick or gimmick which achieves the same thing.

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