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Review : "Topit Revolution" by Edouard Boulanger


topit revolution.png

Product description : A new topit, designed in way you can make the objects disappear very easily but also, and here is the plus point, you can retrieve them with an automatic closing part which is a beautiful piece of kit. But is it worth the price asked and would you ever use it ? Let's find out.

Price and where to buy it : This is sold at $99.95 and you can find it in nearly every Murphys Magic partner shop.

What you get : You get a very nice carboard box with inside : a link with all the instructional videos. Those videos are very well shot and you can get them in French and English. Quite a lot of routines are taught and it's a very solid base to begin with a topit. From coins to cards, using handkerchief or without it, there are millions of things to do with it. As for the topit in itslef, it is very well made and this should be pointed out due to the price. It looks very sturdy and will last a very long time. Safety pins are also provided but you can sew it to your jacket if you want to. Very very happy with what I received.

The pros and the cons : Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


  • You will have to wear a waistcoat in order to make the topit working. It's not a big con but bare in mind you won't be able to remove your suit with the topit on you. However, there is a product by Eric Leblon which will allow you to do so.

  • Be careful about your angles while retrieving the object.


  • The quality in itself is a big con. I know $100 is a big step for most of us. But this is designed by a professional for professional ! You feel the material is very sturdy and will last your whole life. It's a quite thick material so it won't rip easily.

  • You can retrieve the object you just made disappear ! This is a huge pro for me because I have quite a lot of routines in which I use sleeving and I have to retrieve the object. And the Topit Revolution allows me to do so.

  • The instructional videos are very well made and they do give you lots of routines to begin with, even if you don't have all the items such as handkerchief, balls, little shot glass. But there is something for everybody and this is what I like about this product.

  • As said before, this is a very versatile ! You could literally build a whole show on this utility device since the range of objects which could be used is huge. Cards, coins, pens, balls, glass.. There are a lot of things to do with a topit, I know, it's not new but with the ability of retrieving the object, it opens a new world of routines !

  • You can perform effects close up or on stage without any difficulty.

Overall rating : This is now the topit I will use, it's comfortable to wear, easy to use and all that makes it a very good utility device for any magician ! 4/4 hearts for me, will use it regularly.

As for the difficulty level, you will have to get the knack for it but it's not that complicated, just work with it for a few days and your misdirection should be fine, 3/5 stars.

Similar products : There are a million topit out there but I do think the Topit Revolution is the first which allows you to retrieve the object and for me, it's a big plus !

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