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Review : "Changeling" by Marc Lavelle and Martyn Roland



Product description : There are millions of bill switch out there, from ultra visual one to more subtles ones, from 5 bills changing to a single one but none of them (in my knowledge) allows you to switch the bill in the spectator hand. That's why changeling is there, to change your perception of bill switches.

Price and where to buy it : This is sold at $29.95 and you can find it in nearly every Murphy's partner shop !

What you get : You get a DVD case with inside a little enveloppe 6 gimmicks (each gimmicked bill will require two of them) as well as a nicely shot DVD with several routines. They're all workable ones and all will blow your spectator's mind.

The pros and the cons : Here is the core of my review, let's begin with the cons, as I will usually be doing, I prefer to keep the good things for the end.


  • You will have to cut 2 bills to perform the trick and use a third one (which you could save later by removing all the gimmicked part but still, it will be very hard). So in France, the minimum you have to « spend » on this is 20€, in the UK £20 and in the US, $7 (how lucky you are!).

  • The bill isn't examinable but the way the routines are built, it's not a problem.


  • You don't have to perform it will bills. I made mine with a lottery ticket so I don't have to cut bills. But that is what is great about this, it's fully customisable. From bills of different sizes to different color, you can do whatever you want.

  • It happens in the spectator hands ! With impromptu magic, this is one of the strongest thing you can do. And it will leave them speechless since a second ago, they saw another bill in their hand.

  • They included more gimmicks so you can made up to 3 gimmicked bill and it's very cool. (I was disappointed with Insight by Tom Elderfield because they included only 1 gimmick so you were stuck about not wasting it and you couldn't have multiple gimmicks ready).

  • There is an art and craft moment in the DVD, it's not that hard but it will require patience and to be precise and careful. I think I made my first one in 10 minutes which isn't that bad. I encourage you to try with paper or lottery ticket before actually cutting bills so you can be used to the making of it.

  • It's not that expensive when you think about it and the reactions you will get from it are well worth the whole price of the trick.

  • You can also do it very visually if you want so you have plenty of options about the way you want to perform this.

Overall rating : This is something which is now in my wallet and everytime I got to perform it, I got great reactions ! Very strong and visual, 4/4 hearts for me !

As for the difficulty level, if you consider the art and craft moment, maybe this will get a 3/5 stars but it's a fairly easy trick to do !

Similar products : From the $100 bill switch to extreme burn, you have millions of ways to perform a bill switch. Changeling offers a nice addition and some advantages. The closest to it are Money by Lloyd Barn and Extortion by Patrick Kun.

Thanks to Murphys Magic for sending me this product !

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